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Tim Raats

Associate Professor

Most of us have grown up with public service broadcasting and linear television as the focal point for news, entertainment and TV drama. While television and public broadcasting still exist today, and still take up crucial positions in the European media landscape, the entire audio-visual constellation has – and is – changing at a rapid pace. My research interests lie on the crossroads of these changes and continuities. In my work, I combine policy research, production studies and media economics to analyse shifts in small audio-visual ecosystems. My expertise areas are public broadcasting policies and strategies on the on the one hand, (with specific attention for public broadcasting partnerships) and the sustainability of television industries in small markets, where I specialized in financing and production of TV drama.

I currently lecture various media policy courses (political economy of the creative industries, media policy, EU Media Policy) at the Communication Studies Department of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. I obtained a PhD in 2014 on the role and position of public service media in a networked society. As a senior researcher at imec-SMIT, I have been involved in contract research for various stakeholders (including VRT, the Flemish Sector Council), either as researcher, lead researcher or supervisor. Recent projects I was involved in include MeCETES (2014-2016) which analysed patterns of film and TV distribution in Europe, a 2016 stakeholder evaluation of the Flemish Game Fund, and a study examining the effectiveness of support mechanisms for television in Flanders (2016-2017) (in collaboration with Econopolis).

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